In this feature film based on the hit animated series, the third graders of South Park sneak into an R-rated film by ultra-vulgar Canadian television personalities Terrance (Matt Stone) and Phillip (Trey Parker), and emerge with expanded vocabularies that leave their parents and teachers scandalized. When outraged Americans try to censor the film, the controversy becomes a call to war with Canada, and Terrance and Phillip end up on death row -- with only the kids left to save them.
The boys have a great old time looking back on their experiences with South Park through the years and the impact it's had on them as well as society. The movie is still a hoot and gives great laughs all around. It's a no brainer for this pick to be the movie for the "Cut Out Animation" genre. So let's go blame Canada and save our children of South Park!
We are the Reel Feels Podcast, every other Wednesday we'll bring you a new movie with all the feels you can handle. We'll laugh, we'll cry and possibly restrain the frustrations to curse the heavens. But what you can count on is three guys sharing their love of cinema with you.
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